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Sexual motivation in men affected by prostate cancer

People receiving a diagnosis of malignancy have to face stressful emotions because of the invasiveness of the medical procedure, in addition to the psychological burden of being affected by a potentially dealy disease. People receiving a diagnosis of malignancy have to face stressful emotions because of the invasiveness of the medical procedure, in addition to the psychological burden of being affected by a potentially dealy disease. Furthermore, prostate radiation is obviously applied around the genitals, which worries men. The patient’s fear of having to suffer a disruption in his sexual capability seems thus legitimate, especially when physical symptoms (like genital bleeding) appear. In addition, cancer patients loose some of their desire when they understand to be stuck with a prospectively fatal illness. They react with anxiety, fear, depression and lastly they with draw from their emotions. So, it is understandable that they will not see themselves as adequate sexual partners and will give up sexuality altogether.